On 6/19/23 03:03, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 6/18/23 05:38, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,

I know how to do this with several regex's and words.
What I'd like to learn is how to remove something
from the middle with regex using a wild card.

And I can't figure it out


print "\n";
my Str $x = Q[wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm</a>    23-Jul-2022 19:11 11K <a href="wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm];
print "1 [$x]\n\n";

$x~~s/ $( Q[</a>] )  *  $( Q[a href="] ) / /;
print "2 [$x]\n\n";

1 [wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm</a>    23-Jul-2022 19:11  11K   <a href="wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm]

2 [wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm</a>    23-Jul-2022 19:11  11K   < wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm]

My goal is to have `2` print the following out

wine-7.12-3.fc37.i686.rpm wine-7.12-3.fc37.x86_64.rpm

Many thanks,

 > On 6/18/23 12:10, Joseph Brenner wrote:
References: <d183015a-d171-3352-81f1-28a86e15e...@zoho.com>

Try something like this, perhaps:

     $x ~~ s:i/ ^ (.*?) '</a>' .*?  '<a href="' (.*?) $ /$0  $1/;

Some explanations:


The :i modifier makes it case insensitive, so data with upper-case
html won't break things.

In general, you want to break it down into chunks, and just keep the
chunks you want.

^   begin matching at the start of the string

(.*?)   match anything up to the next pattern, *and* capture it to a variable

'...'   I'm using single quotes on the literal strings

$  match all the way to the end of the string.

Pinning the match with ^ and $ means a s/// will replace the entire string.

There are two captures, so they load $0 and $1, and here we're using
them in the replace string:    s/.../$0 $1/

Hi Joseph,

Right under my nose!  Thank you.

This is my test program:


print "\n";
my Str $x = Q[<a href="wike-2.0.1-1.fc38.noarch.rpm">wike-2.0.1-1.fc38.noarch.rpm</a> 27-Apr-2023 01:53  143K] ~             Q[<a href="wine-8.6-1.fc38.i686.rpm">wine-8.6-1.fc38.i686.rpm</a> 19-Apr-2023 21:48  11K] ~             Q[<a href="wine-8.6-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm">wine-8.6-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm</a>                 19-Apr-2023 21:48     11K] ~             Q[<a href="wine-alsa-8.6-1.fc38.i686.rpm">wine-alsa-8.6-1.fc38.i686.rpm</a>  19-Apr-2023 21:48  223K];

$x~~m:i/  .*? ("wine")  (.*?)  $(Q[">] )  .*?  $( Q[a href="] )  (.*?) ( $(Q[">] ) )  /;

print "0 = <$0>\n1 = <$1>\n2 = <$2>\n\n";

my Str $y = $0 ~ $1 ~ " " ~ $2;
print "$y\n\n";

$ RegexTest.pl6

0 = <wine>
1 = <-8.6-1.fc38.i686.rpm>
2 = <wine-8.6-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm>

wine-8.6-1.fc38.i686.rpm wine-8.6-1.fc38.x86_64.rpm

From my actual program:

Before Joseph's help:
      $SysRev  = $WebPage;
      $SysRev ~~ s/ .*? $( Q[a href="wine] ) /wine/;
      $SysRev ~~ s/ $( Q[x86_64.rpm] ) .* /x86_64.rpm/;
      $SysRev ~~ s/ $( Q[">wine] ) / /;
      $SysRev  = $SysRev.words[0] ~ " " ~ $SysRev.words[6];
      $SysRev ~~ s/ $( Q[href="] ) //;
      $SysRev ~~ s/ $( Q[</a>] ) //;

After Joseph's help:
      $SysRev  = $WebPage;
$SysRev~~m:i/ .*? ("wine") (.*?) $(Q[">] ) .*? $( Q[a href="] ) (.*?) ( $(Q[">] ) ) /;
      $SysRev = $0 ~ $1 ~ "   " ~ $2;

Awesome cleanup!


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