> > > I mean something like this :
> >
> > > instead of :
> > > #$Request->{Params}
> > > local *myhash = \%{$$Request{Params}};
> >
> > > my %myhash alias %{$$Request{Params}};#see - it is my (now as far as I
> > > u can't have it 'my')
> >
> >You don't need a typeglob there; you can do the following, which does
> >with 'my':
> >
> >my %myhash = %{$Request->{Params}};
> Originally he wanted an alias, and that won't do it. You'll flatten and
> unflatten, and changes to %myhash won't be reflected in the original.

]- that's right ... and it is not very good if the HASH is big ... and what
to say if it is tied to DBM, even slower....
the idea of aliasing is to preserve the fast access and on the other side to
shorden the "accessor"(i.e the way to access the structure) and make code
clearer.(mostly u can choose a name that has better meaning in your context)

Also if we talk about object methods it many times good to have many methods
do the same thing.. say (just examples, don't blame me just throwing what
comes in my mind):

&get alias Obj::getAttribute
&set alias Obj::setAttribute
&setAttr alias Obj::setAttribute

oldObj::myOldBrokenMethod alias Obj::myBrandNewMethod ; #backward

&mypop alias pop;#core func aliasing

$flag alias


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