I'm ok with both :

alias (%foo, %bar);
my \%foo = \%bar;

the first variant look better to me (I mean  it is easy to spot when u are
reading the code), but I also expected as U the second to work in Perl5 and
was very dissapointed to see that it doesn't work.:"(
The keyword "alias" on the other hand can do also some other stuff us (can't
figure out what else but.. :") ), or can be ALIASED too :") so we can
override its behaviour if we want.... or if it look like operator we can use
perl overriding mehanism :

%foo alias %bar;

still not see what can be the benefit... but just thinking...

> "Sterin, Ilya" wrote:
> >
> > alias(%foo, %bar) is better IMO since it conforms to other functions in
> > perl.
> > my %foo is alias = %bar;  #seems a little out of scope of the language,
> > unless more functionality is implemented in that way.
> >
> > Ilya
> Is there a problem with the following?  Besides that it doesn't work
> like I want it to?  Am I mistaken in believing that it is a clear,
> concise and unambiguous way to request assignment of a symbol to
> be an alias to another?
> my \%foo = \%bar;
> (And besides that it extends p5 syntax instead of being apo2-compliant?)

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