> > Are prototypes going to be checked at runtime now?
   > For methods, at least. Dunno about subs, that's Larry's call. I
   > could make a good language case for and against it. It adds
   > overhead on sub calls, which is a bad thing generally.

I would strongly like to see a guarantee that any
subroutine/method/multimethod with a parameter list has that parameter
list checked before it is called -- at compile-time if possible; at
run-time, if necessary.

And, in the absence of strong typing (which I suspect will remain the
exception, rather than the norm), run-time parameter list checking seems

Of course, if you can't afford the overhead, you will still be able to
turn the whole process off simply by not giving a subroutine/method a
parameter list.

   > (I'd be OK with the declaration "All prototyped subs must have
   > their prototypes known before the BEGIN phase is done"... :)

Yeah. Right. That's gonna happen.



PS: can we please *not* refer to the Perl 6 parameter lists as "prototypes".
    The use of that term causes enough problems in Perl 5.
    See: http://dev.perl.org/rfc/128.html#Banishment_of_the_term_prototyp

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