A few more ideas to put down, lest I lay wake all night, thoughts churning...


Presumably, there will be an op for the actual calling of the subroutine.
That op can take an (extra) argument, with one of three values, that the 
prototype checking can get to.

The first value indicates that these arguments were checked at compile time, 
and there is no variable wrangling that needs to be done.  The runtime 
checking would be skipped.  So foo($a,$b) calls for sub foo ($$) {} would be 
skipped, but not calls by reference, or calls if the prototype was sub foo 
(my $a, my $b) {}.

The second value indicates that these arguments have not been checked, check 
them now.  Inject those variables, etc., etc.  This is for calls by 
reference, calls where magic assignments need to be made, etc.

The third value is a "peek" value.  Do the runtime checking, but don't do 
any magic variable stuff.  As a matter of fact, don't run any user-code at 
all.  Simply return a true or false value if the arguments *would* match.
(This allows us to check incoming coderefs, to see that they take the 
arguments that *they* expect.  Similar to the whole "pointer to a function 
that takse a pointer to a function, and an int."  Of course, no checking the 
return value.  But they're supposed to handle your want()s.)


Secondly, there's another issue with the prototyping code - magic.  
Specifically, tied variables, (which some will say aren't magical.  They're 
pretty magical to me.)

Anyway, to do some checking, one could conceivably (depends on how specific 
prototyping could go - you could say something as detailed as (my $a < 4;) 
to handle bounds checking on your input as well....) call FETCH on a 
variable for which the FETCH is.... what's the word I'm thinking of? - the 
FETCH just to check the code could change what the actual value to be used 
later on would have been.  Like a self-incrementing counter.

Anyway, the tie interfaces need to add a PEEK, which would return what the 
next FETCH will return, when it is called.   That will allow us to safely 
test tied variables without screwing things up.

(Generally speaking, that should probably be done now for exactly the same 


We need to decide what happens when someone attempts to replace a prototyped 
sub with another sub - whether that sub is not-prototyped, prototyped 
exactly the same, or prototyped differently.  Multiple dispatch on functions 
could alter our approach to the third.  Direct calls have already been 
attested to at compile time.  The call has just changed...

Bryan C. Warnock

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