From: Ken Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Can we have an example of why you want run-time
> symbol table manipulation?

How about being able to dump and restore subroutines and closures along with
their lexical environment?

Perhaps this next example doesn't have to fall under the runtime category,
but I personally would like to be able to use Perl5 attributes to take the
argument from an attribute specification's parameter list and convert it
from q{} into an anonymous subroutine with the same lexical context as the
subroutine implementation of which it is an attribute. Here's a contrived

  my $year = 2001;
  sub year
    : Pre($_[0] >= $year or die q{can't go back})
    { @_ ? $year = shift : $year }

> If the alias gets more complicated, I'm not sure the
> symbol table approach works well at all.
> >    > Modifying the caller's environment:
> >    > 
> >    >   $lexscope = caller().{MY};
> >    >   $lexscope{'&die'} = &die_hard;
> This only modifies the caller's scope? It doesn't modify
> all instances of the caller's scope, right? For example,
> if I have an counter generator, and one of the generated
> closures somehow has its' symbol table modified, only that
> *one* closure is affected even though all the closures
> were cloned from the same symbol table.

In the example above, any future use of '&die' within the caller's lexical
scope would execute &die_hard instead of whatever &die used to refer to.

In your example it depends on whether by cloning you mean that each
generated closure has its own symbol table which is a copy of the values
from the original symbol table, or whether it is aliased to refer to the
same underlying values from the original symbol table.

> What about if the symbol doesn't exist in the caller's scope
> and the caller is not in the process of being compiled? Can
> the new symbol be ignored since there obviously isn't any
> code in the caller's scope referring to a lexical with that
> name?

My preference would be for autovification. That new symbols would be pushed
onto the scratchpad/symbol-table of the target lexical scope. Using another
contrived example in Perl5 syntax, what about:

  my $foo = sub {'hello'};
  sub say {
    my $a = eval qq{$_[0]};
print say('foo');

What if you'd like to insert an anonymous $bar subroutine into the
scratchpad of &say?

> Do we favor expression too much over verification? I'm
> not qualified to answer because I know I'm biased towards
> expression. (The %MY issues I'm raising mostly because of
> performance potential.)

What are the performance problems? Don't Cv's already have their own
scratchpads which could potentially by modified by code using or
XS code at runtime? It's not like we're adding anything new here... are we?
Isn't this just making something that is currently very difficult to do

> This particular issue is causing trouble because it has a big
> impact on local variable analysis -- which then causes problems
> with optimization. I'd hate to see lots of pragmas for turning
> features on/off because it seems like we'll end up with a more
> fragmented language that way.

Is this really a pragma issue?

I thought part of the Parrot thing was to allow simpler objects and their
associated vtables to be promoted to more complex ones. So we can have bells
and whistles, without having them impact performance until you start making
use of them. And then only affecting the performance of those objects which
are promoted. So write access to a Cv's local scope might done with one of
those scary polymorphic function objects which is less efficent than the
base function object where a function call is 'just a function call'.

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