Dave Mitchell asked:
   > If there is to be a %MY, how does its semantics pan out?

That's %MY::. The colons are part of the name.

   > for example, what (if anything) do the following do:
   > sub Foo::import {
   >     my %m = caller(1).{MY}; # or whatever
   >     %m{'$x'} = 1;
   > }

That would be:

     sub Foo::import {
         my $m = caller(1).{MY};
         $m{'$x'} = \1;

Symbol table entries store references (to the actualy storage), not values.
My above example would make the lexical $x variable in the caller's scope
equivalent to:

        my $x : const = 1;

   > sub Bar::import {
   >     my %m = caller(1).{MY}; # or whatever
   >     delete %m{'$x'};
   > }

That would be:

     sub Bar::import {
         my $m = caller(1).{MY};
         delete $m{'$x'};

which would cause the next attempted access to the lexical $x in the
caller's scope to throw an exception.

   > sub f {
   >     my $x = 9;
   >     use Foo; # does $x become 1, or $x redefined, or runtime error, or...?

$x becomes constant, with value 1.

   >     {
   >    # is this the same as 'my $x = 1' at this point,


   >    # or is the outer $x modified?


   >    use Foo;
   >    ...
   >     }

Because %MY:: is lexical to each scope.

   >     use Bar; # is $x now still in scope?


   >     print $x; #compile error? or runtime error? or prints 9 (or 1...) ????

Run-time exception.

   >     Bar::import(); # any difference calling it at run time?


   > IE what effects to do the standard hash ops of adding, modifying,
   > deleting, testing for existence, testing for undefness, etc etc map onto
   > when applied to some sub's %MY, at either compile or run time.

No difference between compile- and run-times.

        What                             Effect

        add entry to %MY::               Creates new lexical in scope
        modify entry in %MY::            Changes implementation of lexical
        delete entry in %MY:             Prematurely removes lexical from scope
        existence test entry in %MY::    Does lexical exist in scope?
        definition test entry in %MY::   Is lexical implemented in scope?


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