At 10:29 AM 9/10/2001 -0400, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
>Erk, we seem to be muddling around in that great grey area between what is
>Parrot and what is Perl.
>Parrot is striving to be a common backend for multiple scripting languages,
>of which one is Perl 6, no?  And, of course, to adequately test Parrot, you
>need to concurrently develop Perl 6, yes?  And that is what is currently
>happening, yes?  No.  (At least, it doesn't seem so.)

No. We don't need perl to test the interpreter. Parser and compiler, yes, 
interpreter no.

>Certainly, register creation, memory allocation, garbage collection, and
>opcode dispatch are definitely within the purview of Parrot.  However, the
>opcodes' code themselves aren't - they're provided by the language.

Nope. The core opcodes are provided by the interpreter. A branch is a 
branch is a branch, no matter what language generated it.

>Parrot may provide facilities for vtable dispatch and string handling, but a
>language isn't roped into using them.

True, but performance is going to really suck if they don't use them. Which 
is OK, I don't mind if people work to get themselves bad performance. :)

>Things to keep in mind.  (And another reason why it's good to have Namespace
>Police.... :)

For which reason we have brainwashed^Wrecruited Ben, it seems. Keen! (Smile 
and wave to the OMCL, Ben... :)


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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