On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 04:53:46PM -0500, Garrett Goebel wrote:
> Piers Cawley has written a nice article entitled: "Perl 6 : Not Just For
> Damians".

I had missed what unary . really did, and this explained it to me. I'm
now much more excited about it as a "with"-like operator.

It does make me think, though... Would it make sense to have an
accessor operator? For example, in Perl5 I would do this:

        sub foo {
                my $self = shift;
                my $old = $self->{foo};
                # So $obj->foo(undef) will work
                if (@_) {
                        $self->{foo} = shift @_;
                return $old;

In Perl6 with the unary ., that becomes:

        sub .foo (*@args) {
                my $old = $.{foo};
                # So $obj.foo(undef) will work
                $.{foo} = shift @args if @args;
                return $old;

So, since this is likely to be fairly common, could we perhaps have
a shortcut?

        sub .{foo} () {}

Of course, this is the simple case. In reality, the transformation
would be:

        sub .{NAME} () BLOCK

which becomes

        sub .NAME (*@args) {
                my $old = $.{NAME};
                $.{foo} = shift @args if @args;
                return $old;

The syntax might not be wise. I dunno how I feel about YAUB
(Yet Another Use of Braces). Perhaps some syntax like:

        accessor .NAME () BLOCK

But the .{method} syntax does seem to be a very ovious meaning, given
what .{NAME} is going to mean inside of the method.

Then again, we could call it all quits and come up with a naming
convention that allows some members to be automatically exported
as methods, and others to be withheld.

Aaron Sherman
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  "Write your letters in the sand for the day I'll take your hand
   In the land that our grandchildren knew." -Queen/_'39_

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