Brent Dax writes:
: Are we still gonna be able to pick what we call the current instance?
: From previous programming languages, I'm a lot more comfortable with $me
: or $this than $self.  (Yeah, it's a little thing, but it's something I
: *liked* about Perl 5's OO--it showed how you had flexibility.  And I
: *like* that flexibility, dammit!)  Perhaps:
:       method bar {
:               ...
:       }
: will assume $self, but:
:       method bar($me : *@_) {
:               ...
:       }
: will use $me instead.

That is the approach I currently favor.  (Though I'd probably leave
out the space in front of the colon.)  And it has the advantage that
$me is automatically assumed to be read only.

I think the other kind of proposal:

    method bar (*@_) {
        my $me is mumble;

is just going back to the sort of inside-out declarations we're trying
to get away from.  I'd even prefer a pragma over that.


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