On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> There's a minimum charge you're going to have to pay for the privilege of 
> dynamicity, or running a language not built by an organization with 20 
> full-time engineers dedicated to it.
Umm, this isn't really the place for it, so just a quick question:
How many people work for ActiveState? (For a broad defintion of "work
for"; "is on [a] board" counts.)  How many of the things on their
"Initaiatives" page do we consider to be major targets of Parrot?

BTW, my quick count for that second question is 5 of 8.  Perl, PHP,
Python, and Tcl we plan (AFAIK) on being compilable to Parrot, and
possibly XSLT as well.  (I have no idea how much sense considering XSLT
being "compiled" to a VM makes.)

Mozilla, ".NET Framework", Web Services, and XML I see as N/A on a Parrot

        -=-James Mastros
Put bin Laden out like a bad cigar: http://www.fieler.com/terror
"You know what happens when you bomb Afghanastan?  Thats right, you knock
over the rubble."       -=- SLM

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