On 11/08/01 Norbert Bollow wrote:
> BURG means "Bottom-Up Rewrite Grammar"... a way to generate
> optimized code quickly *if* you have plenty of memory available.

Maybe, if < 32 KB for a large method is plenty (about 600 bytes of IL code):
basically all the methods in out corlib are below that size.
That can be improved when time for optimization comes (we already use a
mempool to reduce greatly the calls to malloc). And anyway a method is
jitted only when it's actually called, so I don't think this is a great

> We're not planning to use this technique in DotGNU because we
> think that the resulting heap thrash problem will likely
> destroy the performance gains from BURG.

There are two main advantages with BURG: it can generate optimized code
fast, yes, but the main advantage is that it makes porting easier.
Anyway, time will tell, we have still a lot of development to do.


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