On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 09:33:48PM +0100, Benoit Cerrina wrote:
> I understand that PMC are what will make it possible to integrate other
> languages to parrot, I'm really interested in ruby on parrot and would
> appreciate if you mention this and how you see it done in your doc

I don't know enough Ruby to sensibly comment on this but PMCs determine
how your basic data types behave. Let's take an easy example: the "add"
method. If you get a Perl scalar with the value of "12ab" and another
with the value 1, and you call the "add" vtable method on the two, it's
that method's responsibility to produce the answer, a PMC with the value
13. In Python, however, you'd want to raise an "illegal argument type"
exception. I don't know what you'd do in Ruby, but Parrot_rubystring_add
would be the right place to do it. :)

"I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development
That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb.  Thank you."
(By Vance Petree, Virginia Power)

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