On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 02:15:08PM -0500, Jeff G wrote:
> Are you quite sure? Implementing things like arrays of PMCs will be hard
> without operations like set_value(PMC* pmc, INTVAL index). 

This is why I'm waiting for Dan to come up with the explanation of how 
kesy are going to work.

> > I don't see what you mean - isn't this what pmc->vtable->type is about?
> I suppose so, but it still feels rather crufty to me for some reason.
> Maybe a simple pmc->get_type() function would do the trick?

There *is* a pmc->type() function.

> > Yep. This requires fixing the assembler to know about the enum in vtable.h
> That enum won't mean much once we have PMCs in there gamboling about,
> changing vtables dynamically between int and string and such...

I don't see how that makes any difference. At some point in the
assembly, you're going to need to create a PMC of type foo, and "foo"
had better map to some number that Parrot knows about or it won't work.


I will not suffer fools gladly, but I will gladly make fools suffer. -Bimmler

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