On Sunday 02 December 2001 02:47 pm, Brent Dax wrote:
> Quick comment: I've been thinking about constructing an 'OpaqueHandle'
> PMC type.  All the programmer is supposed to know about it is that it
> points to Something (usually a C struct, but they don't have to know
> that).  I'm not sure what trying to access it results in--perhaps it'll
> look like a reference from the outside ("ParrotInterp=HANDLE(0xDECAF)"),
> or maybe it'll throw a tantrum.

Perl5 just used a string as the generic c-struct handle as far as I know.. 
Then you use pack/unpack to access it further (assuming the programmer knew 
what they were doing).  There are tiny gotcha's (such as we'd have to have 
flags so the GC knew the data wasn't in relocatable memory, etc), but since 
we need that sort of support for perl5, I don't see a great advantage is 
creating a new datatype for perl6; unless our least-common denominator needs 
it I guess (e.g. lisp, python, etc).


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