Bryan C. Warnock:
# Is there any reason why we couldn't break up configure (when
# it comes into
# being) into chunks?
# The last 5.7.2 grab I have puts the current one at 17.5 Klines.  It's
# weighty, a beast to maintain, and a beast to keep running
# through (should
# something break halfway.)
# Something structured more akin to the t/ directories would be
# easier to
# maintain, allow us to bootstrap better (config a little,
# build a little,
# config a little, etc.), and maybe reconfigure sections
# without the whole kit
# and kaboodle.

I have no idea how many times this has been suggested.  :^)

Seriously, the only problem I can see with it is that the modules will
have to be run in a specific order.  If you can figure out a nice way to
break things up and make them run in an order we define without too much
messiness, let me know.  (Just don't work *too* hard on it--this
Configure won't be like the final Configure.)

--Brent Dax
Configure pumpking for Perl 6

"Nothing important happened today."
    --George III of England's diary entry for 4-Jul-1776

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