On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, Clark C . Evans wrote:

> Hello.  I was wondering if Parrot is going to support
> Generators.   A generator is a function that returns
> multiple times, and I believe, was first made available
> in the language ICON.  Now, ICON may have taken it a
> bit too far (everything is a generator), however,
> Python's newest version supports generators.

The generator PEP which contains a more complete discussion:


After reading that I'm only left wondering how this concept connects with
continuations.  Something tells me that if we implement continuations then
coroutines and generators will fall out nearly for free.  On the other
hand, if we don't do continuations then I think this will be quite hard.
Simply put, either we figure out how to package up program state into a
nice package or we don't.  Um, I think.


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