On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 10:26:37AM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

[on prederef going SEGV with the bsr opcode]

> I'm not going to worry too much about it for the moment, as I'm not sure 
> what the ultimate fate of the prederef stuff will be. If the JIT works out 
> well on most of our platforms, we may end up removing it.

I agree that at this time it's pragmatic idea not to worry about the prederef.

So maybe I should postpone the rest of this reply until much later.

I can see that JIT is going to be far more useful on the <20% of
platforms that >80% of parrot users will be using (it's more like 2% and 98%,
isn't it? So effort is probably better spent on improving the JIT, or
improving general optimisation. Also, it's not clear on typical code (MOPS
isn't typical, as isn't Dhrystone) how much advantage prederef gives.

[Define "typical". Yes, right :-) However, even knowing that it's impossible
to define what is typical, I feel confident in saying that we don't have any
typical code yet, because it's too early]

Maybe I'm closing off too many roads, but my intuition says that while we can
make the C compiler offer many permutations of INTVAL, NUMVAL and opcode size
on a single CPU architecture, and compile to executables on architectures
no-one here has access to (if we get our portability correct), the JIT is
going to need different glue code for every CPU, and probably even on a single
CPU different guts code for every INTVAL, NUMVAL, opcode size permutation.
So assuming for "typical" (or is that "mythical") code prederef gets us some
win over standard, it might well still be worth supporting (ie making work
again) for the >80% of non-core platforms/configurations we are unable to
write a JIT for.

(eg anyone going to write a JIT for MIPS so that parrot runs fast on the Indy
which earns its keep raising my monitor slightly?)

Nicholas Clark
ENOJOB http://www.ccl4.org/~nick/CV.html

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