On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 08:30:41AM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
> : INIT, DESTROY, AUTOLOAD, etc., all make sense to me.  They really are
> : special blocks that normally only occur once in a file.  But CATCH and 
> : NEXT are part of normal syntax.  I don't think they're any more "unusual"
> : in their flow control than try, while, loop or foreach.
> Yes, they are unusual.  They're more like "come froms" than "gotos".
> They need to stop people cold from trying to read them as inline code.
> People are naturally uncomfortable when they get shouted at, and that's
> as it should be.  

A little bit of shouting is OK, but it's easy to switch off when you 
get shouted at all the time.  These constructs are likely to be used 
right throughout a typical Perl program and I don't want to be made
to feel uncomfortable *all* the time when I'm trying to concentrate on
what the program does.

> It is distasteful that a policeman should have to turn on his lights
> and siren when he wants to get your attention, but the practice is a
> useful bit of society nonetheless.

But if he kept doing it all day, every day, it would be police harrassment.



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