From: Larry Wall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Garrett Goebel writes:
> : And this is just looking at it in the simple case. When 
> : multiple-dispatch comes into the picture, then we'll
> : have different invokations of the same method being
> : dispatched to different implementations depending on
> : the parameter list. I wonder how PRE/POST will work
> : once that can of worms has been opened?
> I strongly suspect that DbC and multimethods are, at best, orthogonal.
> My gut level feeling is that multimethod calls look like ordinary
> subroutine calls, and the "method" eventually selected evaluates only
> its own PRE/POST conditions, which could perhaps explicitly 
> delegate to other PRE/POST conditions.  If you want more than that,
> you'll have to give me a PhD.  :-)

I thought I had ;)

That is after all, one of the reasons why I'm a continuing contributor to
the Damian Conway fund.

Would it be as easy as allowing "global" PRE/POST condition blocks to be
associated with an abstract method, and having a derived multimethod's
implementation inherit the PRE/POST conditions from those inherited
implementations which match the same parameter list? Er... for some
definition of match. That's a gross oversimplification isn't it?

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