> Agh, if you go and do that, you must then be sure that rx is capable of
> optimizing /a/i and /[aA]/ in the same way.  What I mean is that Perl's
> current regex engine is able to use /abc/i as a "constant" in a string,
> while it cannot do the same for /[Aa][Bb][Cc]/.  Why?  Because in the
> first case, the string being matched against has been folded, so "abc"
> will or will not be in the string.  In the second case, the string has not
> been folded, so scanning for that "constant" string would 
> require either

Please don't use the current perl as an example. I am proposing a new
algorithm for Parrot regex engine. Of course, the current Perl regex
engine will not benefit from it. For things like /AbC/i, the new rx
engine must be able to optimize it down to 

  rx_opcode_ascii_match_case_insensitive "abc".

If you change your example to include 1-m and m-1 case-folding chars,
the current simple and fast Perl scheme will not work at all.


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