Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> #2 is what you get with normal assignment. $foo = $bar, for example. 
> $foo's assign vtable method is called with $bar as a parameter. $foo 
> figures out what it should do--if it's a tied variable of some sort 
> it should perform its assign action. (This includes throwing an 
> exception if the assignment isn't valid) Otherwise it should 
> typecheck the RHS and morph itself into the RHS's type.

So in the following:

my Complex $c = 3+4i;
my $plain = 1.1;
$plain = $c;

I presume that $plain ends up as type Complex (with value 3+4i)?

If so, how does $plain know how to "morph itself into the RHS's type"?

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