See if this has any value, I thought it might.

For a toy compiler I'm working on, I also started a trivial translator that
does three address code -> Parrot assembler. While its currently
a very simple script, I'm making it do named lexicals, named globals
and register tracking. Then it'd be nice have very simple a very simple
peep hole optimizer in it as well.

If you guys think it might be useful, even academically, somewhere
in the tree let me know.

I do think named lexicals/global handling would be nice in Parrot assembly.

The benefit I could see to having a separate module to do 3address -> Parrot
is it might give other compiler writers a head start and let us do a
common optimizer.

If people have different opinions on intermediate code generation, I'd
like to hear them, since I've only done toy compilers in school which
always used 3address or quadruples.


PS: If you do like the idea, here is a sample of what my compiler emits
which I translate to Parrot. Please tell me where you see stupidity or
weakness. The "emit" directive is a simple "here document" to emit
unmodified code.
The "reg" directive simply assigns a temporary to hold the named identifier
in the basic block. Other than that its very similar to Parrot.

# t.quad
         call __Main

         #DEFINE CLASS Hello
__Main:                 # def method
         # declare local Str in register $0
         reg $0 = Str
         Str = "Hello world!\n"
         # Build arg list
         arg Str
         call __System_Console_WriteLine
         #END CLASS

         restore_s S0
         print S0

Translates to:

         # t.pasm
         bsr __Main

         #DEFINE CLASS Hello
         # declare local Str in register $0
         # Assigning register S0 to lexical Str
         set S0, "Hello world!\n"
         # Build arg list
         save_s S0
         bsr __System_Console_WriteLine
         #END CLASS

         restore_s S0
         print S0

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