At 08:16 AM 2/22/2002 -0500, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
>On Friday 22 February 2002 01:01, Melvin Smith wrote:
> > I want to emulate a packed structure with Parrot in the way a compiler
> > would normally do this for a low level machine.
> >
> > It just needs traditional notation for setting fields by offset into
> > the struct.
> >
> > I sort of feel that PerlString _could_ handle this, but I'm curious
> > if there are any gotchas I'm not aware of. I do see that Strings
> > have native (ie. non-unicode) apis so potentially the substr()
> > method could be used, and I also see the API for setting
> > a void * into struct_val. Is this how we intend to represent class/structs
> > in memory?
>Hmmm.  Sounds like a job for keyed access to me.

Exactly. If we added this to String I think it would work.


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