<X-posting to perl6-language>
> As for "cleanness", this is my interpretation of how perl6 is going
> to work:
>     %foo = ();
>     if %foo {"key"} {print "Hello 1"}
>     ####
>     %foo = ();
>     if %foo{"key"} {print "Hello 2"}
>     ####
>     %foo = ();
>     if %foo{"key"}{print "Hello 3"}
> Case 1 will print "Hello 1"; this is a block after the if statement.

No, it will be a syntax error. The first closing brace does not end
the statement, probably something like "Block seen when keyword

> Case 2 will not print anything. The print is in the 'then' part
>        of the if.


> Case 3 will be a syntax error - an if statement with a condition,
>        but not block.

It won't be a syntax error *yet*. If there's a block immediately
following then that will be treated as the 'then' block. If it's the
end of file, or a nonblock, then it'll be a syntax error.

> You call this **CLEAN**? Not even in Python can a space influence
> control flow that significantly. (In fact, in Python, Java, C, Pascal,
> awk, and perl5, whitespace between an aggregates names and its index is
> optional. Not mandatory, not forbidden, no, optional).

I confess that it's not my favourite feature. But I wouldn't go so far
as to say it wasn't clean. 'Different', certainly.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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