Miko O'Sullivan writes:
: > > "Wouldn't Know a Tagmemic if it Bit Him on the Parse"
: >
: > Ooh, can I steal that as a title? (Though I'll s/Tagmemic/Tagmeme/.) I
: > like it! :)
: You got it!
: I hope this isn't too off topic, but... is the word "tagmeme" somehow
: related to the urban legend concept of a cultural "meme"?

Not really.  Pike predates Dawkins, who I believe made up the term.
(Could be wrong about that.)  They are similar concepts, however, in
that a tagmeme is a psychological linguistic construct that propagates
culturally.  It's certainly possible that Dawkins read Pike.  But it's
also quite likely that he didn't, and made up "meme" as a portmanteau
on "gene" and "memory".  Doubtless the latest OED could shed some light
on that.


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