David Wheeler:
# On 4/17/02 2:17 PM, "Graham Barr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> claimed:
# > The problem with // is that it already has a meaning and although 
# > perl6 will redefine it can we do so in perl5 ? I don't think we can.
# Oh yeah, you're right. Perl 5 would have to require that it 
# be m//, and that would break a lot of existing code. Good 
# point, I hadn't thought of that.

That would be true with any other tokenizer.  But we're talking about
*Perl 5's* tokenizer here.  :^)

I believe that the tokenizer remembers whether it's expecting a binary
operator or Something Else.  That's how it handles things like
<FILEHANDLE> vs. numeric less-than (<).

I think, that is.  I've always heeded Larry's warning from Camel III
that the tokenizer "has been known to induce eating disorders in lab
rats" (p467).  :^)

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

#define private public
    --Spotted in a C++ program just before a #include

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