# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #522]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=522 >

Sometime during or shortly after the 0.0.5 release, BASIC broke with 
string/stack/GC errors.  During program LOAD, Parrot runs off eats a ton of 
memory (sometimes) and falls over dead (eventually).  Someone else in 
#parrot tried the exact same test without problems.  I'm dismayed.

To reproduce this bug under any post 0.0.5 CVS update:

* Go into the languages/BASIC directory
* Start basic using the handler:
    Including stackops.pasm
    Including alpha.pasm
    Including dumpstack.pasm
    Including tokenize.pasm
    Including basicvar.pasm
    Including basic.pasm
    Including instructions.pasm
    Including expr.pasm
      4050 lines


* Immediately load wumpus (it won't finish):
    LOAD wumpus
    LOADING wumpus.bas...
* Wait for segfault (it takes a couple of minutes on my P300).
* While you're waiting, watch memory be eaten by Parrot.

Calling the sweepoff and collectoff have no effect other than to make the 
memory-eating much more impressive (and the crash more spectacular).  I've 
got Parrot compiled under Win32 (Win2k) with MSVC++.


I'd like to offer that BASIC could somehow be incorporated into the test 
suite for Parrot?  Would it help?  It's awfully sensitive to problems with 
strings, stacks, etc.  As a general rule, if you can get something like 
wumpus.bas to load and run in BASIC then things are healthier than not.

I could modify BASIC to help.  For example, an alternate basic.pl that 
would create a "batch" version of BASIC instead of an interactive 
one.  (All of the interactive code is in that short Perl script.)  To run 
BASIC in batch mode is simply a matter of replacing MAIN in basic.pl with a 
MAIN that does something like:

    save 0      # Seed the runtime stack
    save "LOAD wumpus"
    bsr RUNLINE
    save "RUN"
    bsr RUNLINE
    restore I0   # Run's status

This is how my test harness works so I don't have to type programs at it, 
or wear out my capslock key.

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