> Should strings in parrot be mutable or immutable? Right now we've a 
> mix, and that's untenable.

I've improved (read: got working) 2 C++ string libraries in the past, both
with mutable strings.  As performance was a primary consideration on both
systems that used these libraries, I chose to continue using mutable strings
as I got the classes working.  Near as I could tell, there were enough
string mutation operations performed in everyday code to justify my choice
-- performance was acceptable (CAD software BTW) and a thorough test suite
eliminated code defects leaking into production.  We're only going to have
to write this code once (I hope), but all Parrot users are going to have to
execute it, so I suggest mutable strings.
Mark Leighton Fisher            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thomson multimedia, Inc.        Indianapolis IN
"We have tamed lightning and used it to teach sand to think"

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