At 5:39 PM -0400 7/10/02, Melvin Smith wrote:
>Its almost as if the only optimization will be for
>foreach my $i (1...10000)
>where we know the type ahead of time.
>We've built this register based VM upon which Perl will probably be
>the most non-optimized language. Things like exposing your lexical pads,
>eval, etc. blow optimization out of the water.

Oh, don't worry. Python and Ruby will likely be in the same boat. :)

>A language like Java/C# will run much faster on Parrot than Perl6,
>however, this doesn't worry me, since Perl itself will probably still
>get 5-10x speedup even with its use of PMCs everywhere.

Yep, and the speed will be there for hand-rolled assembly. And our 
assembly is, in some ways, nicer to program in than C. (Go figure... 
:) It'll also be there for languages with tighter constraints on 
behaviour, so if you want to you can drop to something C-ish, or 
throw some constraints in for the optimizer, or something of that 

If nothing else, it means we've got wiggle room to squeeze 
performance out that we can roll out after the initial release as we 
have time to beef up the optimizer and code analysis tools.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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