On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 10:41, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 10:26:26AM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> > I would expect that to be "elsuntil", but as we're dropping "until" from
> > the language, it's a moot point.
> Er, what?!?  Who said we're dropping "until"?  Did I miss something?

Well, if there's no while (replaced by generic "loop", per Apoc4) why
would there be an until?

> > Proposed Perl6:
> > 
> >     loop $i=0;$i<$max;$i++ {
> >             ...
> >     } elsfor @x -> $_ {
> >             ...
> >     }
> Hrm.  Do you also propose an "elsloop" too?  I think a general "else"
> or "otherwise" on all loops allows what you want:

Ok, once more for those in the cheap seats (no offense, it's just a lot
of people seemed to have ignored the thread until now and jumped in
without the context), this is how we got here:

1. Larry says loops will have "ELSE blocks" inside them.
2. Someone suggests "loop {} else {}"
3. Someone else points out that that's bad, because people will expect
4. I point out that elsif isn't so bad, and perhaps there should be an
array of other "else" options.

So, the answer to your question is: yes, I do propose that there should
be an elsif, elsloop and elsfor. That's it. Three words, not an
expansive list of ever-more-complex words.

Now, I agree that "else for" might make more sense, but it's very ugly
on the grammar (given that we don't allow free statements like C does).

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