On Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at 01:22  PM, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> At 1:07 PM -0400 4/30/02, Miko O'Sullivan wrote:
>>  > Damian, now having terrible visions of someone suggesting 
>> C<elswhen> ;-)
>> Then may I also give you nightmares on: elsdo, elsdont, elsgrep, 
>> elstry ...
> Has anyone brought up elselse or unlessunless yet?

All of this is a bit silly, but if loops in Perl6 had some sort of 
boolean value of their own, then it seems the language already has a way 
to approach this.  Scoping might be a problem, but...

for @foo -> $bar {
} // print "The loop didn't... uh... loop.\n";

Just a thought.

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