On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 04:58:27PM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
>     6. C<otherwise> would seem to fit the bill rather nicely.

I agree, but I'll also toss out a few alternates anyway:

        orelse          loop { ... } orelse { ... } reads nicely to me :-)
Of course if we make for, while, and loop raise an exception when they
don't iterate, there's always exception-based non-looping:

        { loop { ... } CATCH when NoIter { ... } }              # ;-)

or maybe Larry will figure a way for us to write

        loop { ... } when NoIter { ... }

Hmm.  Maybe we've got the empty loop code on the wrong end ...

        noiter { ... } loop { ... }

or heck, who needs a keyword anyway?  Just define for, while, and loop
to take an optional second coderef:

        loop { ... } { ... nothing to see here ... }

tongue mostly in cheek,

Jonathan Scott Duff

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