On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 12:27:08PM -0500, Allison Randal wrote:
> On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 03:15:48PM +0100, Graham Barr wrote:
> > 
> >  LAST   Executes on implicit loop exit or call to last()
> >     Loop variables may be unknown
> Not exactly "unknown". It's just that, in a few cases, their values may
> have changed by the time the LAST block is executed.

OK, unspecified.

> > And I think this thread is proposing
> > 
> >  FIRST       A PRE block that is executed only on the first itteration
> >      of the loop
> > 
> >  BETWEEN A PRE block that does not execute for the first iteration
> >      of the loop.
> > 
> > So FIRST and BETWEEN are just shorthand for
> > 
> >  my $count;
> >  loop {
> >    PRE {
> >      if ($count++) {
> >        # BETWEEN code here
> >      }
> >      else {
> >        # FIRST code here
> >      }
> >    }
> >  }
> Almost. What people are pushing for is more like:
>  BETWEEN A NEXT block that does not execute for the last iteration
>        of the loop.

IMO, it cannot. That is because you cannot always know if you are at
the end of a loop until you have executed the condition. Therefore BETWEEN
would have to be a PRE block.

> This may seem like a trivial difference at first glance, but it's a
> matter of scope. The latter interpretation means that code such as:
>       for 1..3 -> $thing {
>               print $thing _ ", ";
>               BETWEEN {
>                       print $thing _ "\n";
>               }
>       }
> Will output:
> 1, 1
> 2, 2
> 3,
> Not:
> 1, 2
> 2, 3
> 3,

But consider when this is a while loop, how do you stop BETWEEN being
called before the last iteration.

> Which seems intuitively right. 

Not to me :-)


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