On Wed, 29 May 2002, Mike Lambert wrote:

> Hey all,
> After finding out that life.pasm only does maybe 1KB per collection, and
> Sean reminding me that there's more to GC than life, I decided to create
> some pasm files testing specific behaviors.
> Attached is what I've been using to test and compare running times for
> different GC systems. It's given a list of builds of parrot, a list of
> tests to run, and runs each four times and takes the sum of them as the
> value for that test. Then it prints out a simple table for comparing the
> results. It's not really robust or easily workable in a CVS checkout
> (since it operates on multiple parrot checkouts).
> Included are five tests of certain memory behaviors. They are:
> gc_alloc_new.pbc
> allocates more and more memory
> checks collection speed, and the ability to grow the heap
> gc_alloc_reuse.pbc
> allocates more memory, but discards the old
> checks collection speed, and the ability to reclaim the heap
> gc_header_new.pbc
> allocates more and more headers
> checks DOD speed, and the ability to allocate new headers
> gc_header_reuse.pbc
> allocates more headers, but discards the old
> checks DOD speed, and the ability to pick up old headers
> gc_waves_headers.pbc
> total headers (contain no data) allocated is wave-like
> no data, so collection is not tested
> tests ability to handle wavelike header usage pattersn
> gc_waves_sizeable_data.pbc
> buffer data (pointed to by some headers) is wave-like
> a few headers, so some DOD is tested
> mainly tests ability to handle wavelike buffer usage patterns
> gc_waves_sizeable_headers.pbc
> total headers (and some memory) allocated is wave-like
> sort of a combination of the previous two
> each header points to some data, so it tests the collectors
>   ability to handle changing header and small-sized memory usage
> gc_generations.pbc
> me trying to simulate behavior which should perform exceptionally
>   well under a genertaional collector, even though we don't have one :)
> each memory allocation lasts either
>   a long time, a medium time, or a short time
> Please let me know if there are any other specific behaviors which could
> use benchmarking to help compare every aspect of our GCs? Real-world
> programs are too hard to come by. :) Results of the above test suite on my
> machine comparing my local GC work and the current parrot GC are coming
> soon...
> Enjoy!
> Mike Lambert
> PS: If you get bouncing emails from me because my email server is down, I
> apologize, and I do know about it. My email server is behind cox's
> firewall which prevents port 25 access. It should be relocated and online
> again in a few days.

Committed all the .pasm under examples/benchmarks/ , thanks.

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