><EvilScientist cat="white">
>Ah, Mr Wardley, I see you have finally apprehended the magnitude of my
>nefarious plan. Five years of plotting and scheming, of gaining influence and
>gradually insinuating my dastardly code creations into the community
>consciousness: all
>about to culminate in unleashing of Perl 6 on an unsuspecting populous. What a
>pity you shall not live to see it! Henchmen, throw him to the giant
>constrictive python!

<Henchman type=thug>
  Ahhh, duh . . . Docter Claw . . .er Conway, uh, the Python always throws up Perl 
Coders . . . Shoulds we maybe bash him with the Giant Shell, or TCL him to death . . . 


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