On Sun, 9 Jun 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: The parsing of perl 6 is the application of a huge, compiled, regex, correct? 

No, it's a system of compiled regexes which we're calling a grammar.

: In order to parse the new syntax, perl6 is going to have to compile the
: new rule, and stick it in the place of the old one, for the duration of the 
: scope, right?

Doesn't exactly "stick it in place of" except in an abstract sense.
It uses ordinary method overriding to hide the old rule.

: Now what happens to the parser at large if you have dependencies on what has
: changed - ex: if you change the rule for brackets, say so that all '[' are now
: actually '[[' and all ']' are now  ']]'. Won't the whole regex for parsing
: perl need to be recompiled for the duration of the block, or at least the
: dependencies on the things that you changed? And won't *that* be slow and/or
: memory intensive?

No, only the rule in question is compiled, and that only happens once regardless
of how often you invoke the rule.  There might possibly be a compilation phase
when you derive a new grammar from an old one, but that's a tradeoff we can
make when we get to it.  It'd still only happen once for a given grammar.

: And if the rules are somehow abstracted in the perl6 parser/parrot/regex engine
: ,so that each 'rule' is in essence a pointer to the real code corresponding to 
: interpreting that rule (so it can be replaced easily by user defined ones) - 
: well won't that abstraction hurt the performance of parsing regular perl?

If that becomes an issue we can always install a hard-wired lexer/parser as the
base grammar.

: And finally, if the regular expressions are in bytecode to get this flexibility
: as opposed to native machine code, what sort of overhead will this impose on 
: the regex engine?

Er, Perl 5's regexes are in their own pecurliar bytecode, not in
native machine code.  If anything, we'll be better off with Perl 6's
JITable bytecode.

: I know the above might be a bit simplistic, and since its an implementation 
: question I'm posting to perl6-internals instead, but the post is more for the 
: point of clarification about what's going on than anything else. I'd love to 
: see this happen, would use it all the time..

That's our dream.


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