> We need a multimethod dispatch for vtable calls. Right now we're
> working on a "left side wins" scheme and, while we're going to keep
> that (sort of) we really need a way to choose the method to call
> based on the types on both sides of binary operators. (Unary
> operators, luckily, are easier)

Woot. Woot. I'm glad to see that we're going to get multi-dispatch in the
parrot core.

There's a few main methodologies: Lookup logic:

a) Have the dispatch logic be intelligent, and lookup the appropriate
dispatch in order of increasing generality.

b) Have the dispatch just lookup in a table, and generate that table at
load/bind/etc time with the logic of inheritence, generality, etc. You can
generate a large table that's N^2 for N = number of PMCs. Easy on lookup
logic, bad on cache and memory usage.

With option a) above, there's a few techniques you can use:

a) Dan's preferring (I think he is, anyway) a two-level lookup (so that if
you don't need the multi-dispatch, it can be nearly as fast as regular

So we dispatch to left-side. It can be greedy and handle it, or perform
the second-level lookup itself, giving full multi-method dispatch.
(Extending to trinary dispatch and more should we want that.)

b) You can probably use a hashtable as a sparse matrix. Perform repeated
lookups until you get a non-null method. Most PMCs will only have
specially-designed interactions with a small subset of family PMCs, if
anything at all.

I'm sure there are other techniques...I posted links to a bunch of 'make
multi-dispatch fast' links back when I was arguing about this topic awhile
ago. But I admit to not having read them, so there are likely to be many
other techniques that my current brain dump doesn't cover. :)

> We can do this with the current vtable scheme as it is, since we
> already have a slot to put this in, and I think we're going to have
> languages that still do a left-side-win scheme.

Well, for one, the current vtable scheme does a lot more than operators,
so I don't think anyone would argue for it going away. And even
left-side-win schemes are merely a special-case of generic multi-dipatch,
with the right side being a '*' to match all PMCs.

Of course, if Perl is going to be multi-dispatch to the core, is
there a valid argument for trying to optimize the single-dispatch
case? Granted we already have that implemented, but some multi-dispatch
schemes impose the same penalty for single- as they do for multi-. Would
these schemes be allowed, or explicitly disallowed?

Finally, my last item that I'd like to see included in any multi-dispatch
scheme that gets implemented, is the ability to register methods to be
called, that aren't in either PMC. While this is infringing a bit on
p6-language territory, I still believe we need a mechanism for it

It would give a way for different mathematical libraries to interoperate
in code, by merely writing operators which could handle the conversion
from one type to another (or faster, dealing with the internals of

Finally, I'd like to be able to use multi-dispatch for the purpose of
conversion/casting. While the _as_int methods handle the simple ones fine,
PMC->PMC conversions are essentially multi-dispatch, and imo, should be
treated as such. This might only matter with strong typing, but it might
also help with the differently-organized mathematical libraries: assuming
no binary operators are written, one only needs to write conversions, to
allow them to interoperate, if slowly.

Thoughts? Am I taking it too far?
Mike Lambert

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