On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 08:20:21PM -0700, John Porter wrote:
> Dave Mitchell wrote:
> > IIRC, all metrics of the form (x^n + y^n)^(1/n), n=1,2,...Inf
> > are strongly equivalent, ie they give rise to the *same* ordering.
> > (In the limit as n -> Inf, the metric is max(x,y).)
> I'm sorry, YDNRC.
> Consider the distance from the origin to the points (0,6) and (3,4).
> Under the (x^1+y^1) metric (Manhattan distance), (0,6) is closer.
> Under the (x^2+y^2) metric (Pythogorean thm), (3,4) is closer.

D'oh! Perhaps I should get a job with WorldCom?

Lady Nancy Astor: If you were my husband, I would flavour your coffee
with poison.
Churchill: Madam - if I were your husband, I would drink it.

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