On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 10:52:58PM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
> Don't forget Apocalypse 5.
> Personally I believe the elegant and thorough integration of regular
> expressions and backtracking into the large-scale logic of an
> application is one of the most radical things about Perl 6.

How does one explain this to an audience that likely isn't convinced regexes
are all that important in the first place?  "Sure it's line noise, but it's
new and improved line noise!" I may have to avoid the topic of regex
improvements unless I can cover it in < 5 minutes.  Maybe a quick poll of
how many people are using one of the many Perl5-like regex libraries, if
there's a high portion then talk about the new regex stuff.

Grammars, OTOH, is something I think I'll mention.

I also forgot hyperoperators.  Also it's likely worth mentioning that perl's
method call syntax will switch to the dot making it look more like other

Unicode from the ground up is probably also worth mentioning, though I'm not
quite sure what forms this will take other than "Unicode will not be an
awkward, bolt-on feature".  I don't know how Java and Python handle Unicode.

This sig file temporarily out of order.

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