Is now a good time to start a discussion on lexical scopes? Is anyone
currently working on an implementation of scratchpads? I have sketched
out a simple implementation, based on the struct at the end of this
email, but there are somethings that I do not understand, so I am hoping
someone can set me straight. Here are my two main questions:

1) How should a scratchpad be created. The only documentation I found
was in docs/parrot_assembly.pod:

"Pad descriptors are templates for a particular pad. They are specified
in the constant area of a bytecode file, and contain the names, types,
and attributes for the variables referenced in the scope the pad is for.
newpad pad_descriptor
   Create a new scratchpad using pad_descriptor as a template."

Has anyone worked out how pad descriptors will look and be handled by
the assembler, passed to constructor, etc?

2) How are values stored in scratchpads? Will scratchpads only contain

/* Scratchpad, for implementing lexically scoped variables. */
typedef struct Scratchpad {
    /* sub class of buffer (?) */
    Buffer buffer;

    /* pad for enclosing lexical scope */
    struct Scratchpad *parent;

    /* for (slow) by name access, this could be a string
       to int hash instead */
    struct parrot_string_t * names;

    /* for (faster) by index access */
    PMC * data;

    /* subtracted from indexes before accessing data,
       calculated from the parent's offset and size
       (an index less than this offset, should refer to
       a variable in an enclosing scope) */
    INTVAL offset;

    /* number of pointers in data */              
    INTVAL size;
} * scratchpad_t;

Thanks, for any help/feedback!
Jonathan Sillito

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