At 12:14 PM 7/23/2002 -0600, Jonathan Sillito wrote:
>Is now a good time to start a discussion on lexical scopes? Is anyone
>currently working on an implementation of scratchpads? I have sketched

I started on a simple implementation. I decided to just use the
PerlHash that we already have.

I planned to add a new stack for lexical scopes, making it COW,
and the newpad op would simply create a new Hash PMC and push
it onto that stack, and vice-versa.

As to the template question, I'm not sure, maybe Dan can expound.

I'd like to see it done with the Hash PMC we currently have, and then
if it appears we need more then we can make a specialized PMC.

If you want to take a whack at it before I get to it, take a look at the
global variable ops, although they aren't perfect. I just stacked them
on top of the Hash PMC that we already had.

The fun part after you get the skeleton working is copying the
pads on write for closures, etc.

On this line, we need to discuss the symbol table format for
the bytecode. I played around a bit but nothing I wish to commit.


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