From: Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> (Had an interesting typo there.  I put => insteaqd of ->.  
> I wonder how much trouble that sort of thing is gonna cause.
> Maybe pairs can be disallowed or warned about where a pointy
> sub might be expected.)

I foresee a lot of problems.  To my Perl5 eyes, -> means "a property or
method will be next" while => means "maps to".  Indeed, 25% of my brain
thinks that -> ought to be switched to => because "maps to" is already
pretty close to the new intended meaning.  => as a pair creator doesn't
make a lot of sense in that context anyway, so there's no ambiguity.  (45%
of my brain says that => now creates a pair object so yes in fact it *is*
ambiguous, 25% says to Just Trust Larry, and 5% is busy craving a latte).

Question: if the compiler *doesn't* raise an error, what happens? How would
the following code be interpreted, even insanely?  An endless loop perhaps?

  while something() => $_ { ... }


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