At 10:59 PM 8/21/2002 -0400, 'John Porter' wrote:
>Sean O'Rourke wrote:
> > However, if we already have a working register
> > allocator and peephole optimizer, I see little reason to write another.
>Maybe you're taking a very perl6-centric view. (I don't know.)
>But as someone who's writing an Tcl-to-parrot compiler
>(for (hypothetical) example), I might very well want to
>implement a different allocator and optimizer.

Thats true. Of course you'd get off the ground a lot faster if you start
out targetting imcc.

>for HLL compilers targeting parrot.  If y'all want to consider imcc
>as just another member of that class, fine!  But if we tell compiler
>writers "You should target imcc, not parrot directly", then imcc
>is clearly in a class by itself.

Lets let the market decide. :) If we write a good enough
intermediate language and listen and assimilate what people
need, I think we can end up better off for it, with a common
back-end compiler, and people will want to use it anyway.


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