>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> On 27 Aug 2002, Uri Guttman wrote: : and quoteline might even
  LW> default to " for its delim which would make : that line:
  LW> : 
  LW> : my ($fields) = /(<quotelike>|\S+)/;

  LW> That just looks like:

  LW> my $field = /<shellword>/;

where is the grabbing there? if there was more than just shellword would
you have to () it for a grab? wouldn't that assign a boolean like perl5
or is the boolean result only returned in a boolean context?

what happens to $field if no match was found? undef? the old boolean
false of a null string wouldn't be good as that could be the result of a
match. i assume undef could never be the result of a match unless some
included perl code returned undef to the match object. then coder emptor
would be the rule.

and it would be nice to have a dictionary of builtin rules. :)

also i assume i was correct in that we won't need CORE:: for those?
unless something we inherit had the same name and we wanted the CORE::

this is gonna make all the groups that copied perl5 regexes blow their
lids. just think about all the neat canned regexes that will be
done. like Regex::Common but even more so. we will need a CPAN just for
these alone. full blown *ML parsers, email verifiers, formatted data
extractors, etc. 


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
----- Stem and Perl Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding ----
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