On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Steffen Mueller wrote:

> Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 12:00:55AM +0300, Markus Laire wrote:
> >> And I'm definitely going to try any future PerlGolf challenges also
> >> in perl6.
> >
> > Is it considered better if perl6 use more characters than perl5? (ie
> > implying probably less line noise)
> > or less (getting your job done more tersely?)
> >From the bit of Perl6 information I've gathered from the Apocalypses, the
> Exegesises (is that really the plural? Sounds horrible.), and my

  Exegeses (like parentheses)

> perl6-language reading, I'd say Perl6 is not only going to be a bit more
> verbose (unless you use the dreaded "use Perl5;" pragma ;) ), but it'll also
> be a Good Thing.

No, not nessecarily.  If you do a line-by-line translation, yes.  But the 
fact is, Perl 6 will be able to do more in a single line (cleanly) than 
Perl 5.  For instance, hyper-operators.  So, Perl 6 will contain less 
line-noise and more whitespace than Perl 5, but code will end up being 
shorter, too.  You can see that in Exegesis 4 (or 3, not sure), where Damian 
takes Perl5ish Perl6 code, and then writes it back out in idiomatic Perl 
6. You see how much shorter it becomes.


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