Hi there,

As a recent parroter, what striked me most while reading perl6-internals, is 
that it's very perl-centric. Ok, I agree that:
 * only Perl (and Larry) has planned its roadmap to include Parrot as its 
final virtual machine. 
 * the name "perl6-internals" is really too restrictive (but this point has 
already been discussed last week).
 * there's always some, erhm, rivalry between Perl and, say, Python or Ruby 
or (insert-your-second-eheh-favorite-language-here).

But the ultimate goal of Parrot is World Domination^W^Wto be THE virtual 
machine, the one that every language should target, and the one that could 
spit whatever we want, either execution, or parrot precompiled/preoptimized 
bytecode, or corresponding C source, or native executable, or whatever. 

So, I think parrot could definitely benefit from a wider audience, and I'm 
 * development would be faster. Some of (insert-a-language-name-here) guys 
are really good and could help parrot tremendously.
 * development would be better. Remember the cathedral and the bazaar: the 
more people are looking at your code, the more bugs you can catch.
 * development would be more open. Maybe (I'm not a Parrot wizard) some 
things in Parrot are designed in a perl-centric way. This may be bad, since 
it would be more difficult to address new languages, and maybe being too 
perl-centric will lead to a bad design (once again, I'm not sure this is the 
case, I still have a lot of Parrot studying to do ;) ).

I know it's easy to say this, but what could _we_ do in order to open parrot 
to non-perl centric people?

Btw, I found this url while idling on the web:

This seems to be a beginning python->parrot compiler. I don't know wether you 
already know of this project, or wether it's still a work in progress. But it 
may be worth it to ask them if they want to "join the fun", and if they would 
like to participate with the design of parrot, instead of following and 
waiting for new releases of Parrot...

Just my 2 cents,

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