On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 17:03, Sean O'Rourke wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Markus Laire wrote:

> > Would it be possible to rename "perl6-internals" now to something
> > better like "parrot-internals"?
> I think aliases can take care of this, though I'm not the sysadmin.
> Maybe it makes people feel better to send mail to "parrot-internals"
> instead of "perl6-internals", but I don't see how giving the list a
> different name will have any real effect beyond breaking my procmail
> setup.

FWIW: I think you will eventually find that there are several different
audiences here. There are the folks who are working on parrot and/or
imcc. There are the folks who are working on actual Perl 6 internals
(e.g. P6C). There are also others working on other language font-ends.
I've been thinking about tackling a [bourne [again]?|korn] shell
front-end to allow large shell programs (not mentioning names *cough*
Big Brother *cough*) to be slowly replaced from the inside out.

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