
On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 07:45:37   
 Sean O'Rourke obviated:
To me a language's grammar, once
>defined, shouldn't do a lot of changing, internally or otherwise.  When
>was the last time C's grammar changed?  Or even gcc's implementation of

Granted . . .mostly. Were talking about Perl, the 
language designed to evolve. How much did the Perl 
grammer (even if there was no definitive one in the 
Perl 6 lex-on-the-fly sense) change between Perl 1 and 
Perl 5? Perl 5 and Perl 5.8? I think the answer to the 
first question (which I suspect is "a lot") point to 
perhaps a different issue - how much do we expect Perl 
to change after this rewrite, and how are we 
accomodating Perl's inevitable evolution? The answer 
to the second question (which I think is probably "a 
little, but some") is more to the point here. Parsing 
small or experimental features (vstrings and 
subroutine attricute come to mind) will probably cause 
changes to the parser. I'd like to keep the potential 
to introduce such features without breaking existing 

All that said, perhaps there is a solution. I'm not 
much of a Python programmer, but as I understand it 
Python offers an internal module called 'future' which 
holds features planned for inclusion in the next 
stable release. The idea here is that old code gets a 
chance to refactor in anticipation of language changes 
while still bringing new features into the language. 
Code which uses those features simply imports from the 
future modules. Hugo is working on the perl6ish pragma 
which already brings the concept to Perl. Perhaps a 
Perl 6 pragma can control these feature inclusions to 
help protect code which accesses the parser?


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