On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 11:27:46AM +0000, Damian Conway wrote:
> This is not what Larry has said previously. He said that only
> binding can be used with C<let> variables and that only C<let>
> variable assignments are undone on backtracking.

It seems odd to require two syntactic elements to achieve one semantic.
And actually, after looking at A5, that's not what Larry wrote:

                my $x;
                / (\S*) { let $x = .pos } \s* foo /

        After this pattern, $x will be set to the ending position of
        $1--but only if the pattern succeeds. If it fails, $x is
        restored to undef when the closure is backtracked

I don't see any binding there, just letting.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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